Kickstart your energy journey with our



Set right your frequency


₹ 2999


The science of decluttering


₹ 2999


Master how to gauge  energy


₹ 1999

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3 levels

Master the 3 players of the energy game

In our Personal Energy Management workshop, we dive deep into understanding the main players in the energy game: our inner and outer worlds. 

Picture it like this: our inner world is like the engine room of a ship, comprising our body and mind, while the outer world is the vast ocean it sails upon, encompassing the earth, our relationships, and the universe at large. 

What ties these realms together? Energy. It’s the common thread weaving through every aspect of our existence.

By becoming conscious of this energy—essentially frequencies and pulsations—we unlock the key to living more vibrant, energized lives. Ready to harness the power within and without?

Let’s embark on this journey together!


Personal Energy Management Masterclass


Learn the basics of understanding yourself as an electromagnetic being, how you develop positive and negative charges, and how you pulsate inside and with everything around you. 

You will learn about...


Transforming your frequency, vibrations & breath

Mastering personal energy unveils the secrets of human energy, offering a transformative view on life, vitality, and holistic well-being


Science of manifesting through breath

Focused breathing empowers manifesting goals, promoting calmness and aligning actions with desired outcomes for a fulfilling life

spiritual movement

How to heal your aura, chakras and nabhi

Understanding of energy fields (aura), spiritual centers (chakras), and core (nabhi) for holistic self-awareness and personal growth.


How to use the earth's power to heal

Utilising the earth’s energy and grounding power for healing, and  fostering physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Topics covered

Understanding your Energy Levels

If you experience highs and lows in your energy levels daily, or feel drained on encountering negative people and situations, this workshop will teach you how to feel, assess and protect your energy levels and create energy charts to keep track. 

Find Out Your Wealth Frequency

Why is it that some handle money well while others are distinctly uncomfortable with it? If you believe money is evil and have been harbouring a negative programming towards it, you will find it difficult to attract it. In this workshop, you will learn how to change that subconscious program.

Feel And Protect Your Aura

Everything we do, every possession we have becomes part of our aura – that invisible sheath of energy around everything. This aura gets discoloured and damaged based on our life experiences, attitudes and ego levels. You will learn how to feel your aura and mend auric tears to improve your health. 

Align Yourself With The Earth's Magnetic Field

We are electromagnetic and so is the earth, which has more powerful magnetic power than us. It is in our interest to align ourselves with the earth. That’s the reason you are advised to face the east or west when meditating, or not face the north when sleeping. This workshop will help you discover your ideal latitude and longitude.

Charge Yourself To Improve Your Health

Water holds many a secret. It has been proved that water can be programmed and that water holds memories. You are 70 per cent water. You will experience a better quality of life when you are conscious about the quality of water you process. Most faiths teach about charged water like ‘teerth jal’ in Hinduism for instance. You will learn how to charge your water.

Analyse Your Chakras Using A Pendulum

A pendulum is a simple object suspended by a string that is used as an instrument to assess the energy levels of people, situations, and objects. This is no mumbo-jumbo; it is physics and works on natural intelligence. Knowing this art can help you hugely in life. The Advanced Pendulum workshop will cover not just chakras, but also preparing pendulum charts, making the best choices in investment decisions, marital choices, business partners, and improving the energy of your home.

Reduce Inflammation Through Grounding

When our inner body parts get inflamed, we do not come to know about it. We can definitely sense it and end up saying “I feel inflamed inside!” Grounding is a wonderful technique to heal the body – a practice that our ancestors practised everyday. We have forgotten it and end up living lives processing far too much energy than we can handle. 

Measure Your Breath and Change Your Frequency

Breathing is the most important and the only activity we do! Ironically and sadly, we don’t know much about our breath whereas the secret to good living lies in the mastery of the breath. That is what spiritual masters focussed on. That is why we meditate. When you understand the true purpose of these practices, everything starts to make more sense.

Correct Your Nabhi To Heal Yourself

The nabhi or belly button is one of the most important locations in your body. That’s where gut feelings arise and is the location of the Manipura Chakra. This region needs to be kept clean, aligned and balanced. Else, many health and emotional complications can arise. In this workshop, you will learn how to do that. 

Declutter To Transform Your Home

A house is a physical structure. A home is the energy we create in it. Your home should exude positivity for you and your family to enjoy good health. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how their homes get affected. For eg., when a neighhour comes and vents in your home, do you sense the energy going low? Well, in this workshop, you’ll learn how to rectify such situations. 

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The Clutter Clinic


Letting go of the things that hinder your progress involves identifying them, understanding their impact, and consciously releasing their hold on your life. Millions lead exasperated lives wondering why their clutter returns like a Phoenix! This workshop will teach you how to change your programming to conquer your clutter. 


What is clutter?

If you want anything in life, you will first need to learn how to discard. Well, the game is called clutter management. Clutter – to put it simply – is the habit of hoarding, of taking on too many things without organising it in any way. It is the biggest energy block and has the potential to ruin your energy makeup.

Why does clutter return?

Clutter management is NOT merely about decluttering. You accumulate clutter because you are programmed that way. Decluttering is just a process – like dusting, mopping, etc. Staying clutter-free goes far deeper. It can help reduce weight, decrease fatigue, heal pain and bring clarity.

How clutter impacts you

It can cause tiredness and lethargy

Clutter traps energy and makes you feel tired and lethargic. Clearing it frees up this stagnant energy in your system and improves vitality.

It can make you dwell in the past

You feel bogged down with problems that have dogged you for some time. You have to release the past to create a better tomorrow.

It can lead to weight issues

People who are mentally programmed to hoard, are often overweight. Body fat and clutter are forms of subconcious self-protection.

Being cluttered can confuse you

With clutter, it is impossible to have clarity about what you are doing in your life. When you clear it, decision-making becomes easier.

It affects how people treat you

People treat you the way you treat yourself. So if you value yourself and look after yourself, people will treat you well.

It can make you feel ashamed

If your home is so cluttered, you could feel ashamed to invite people over and positively panic if anyone turns up unannounced. 

What you will learn


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pendulum dowsing


Advanced Pendulum Dowsing


It’s a handy powerful tool and technique that will help you judge energy levels of people, objects, relationships and situations and make it easier to navigate life.


What is pendulum dowsing?

Pendulum dowsing is the art and science of using a pendulum (a slightly heavy object suspended by a string) to assess the energy levels of anything – from your chakras,  investments, business opportunities, health remedies, and even marriage partner. You will discover how to interpret the movements of the pendulum and use them to gain insights into your subconscious mind.

How will it help you?

By learning the art of pendulum dowsing, you will be able to make better decisions and live a more aware and energized life. You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your goals. You will be able to identify patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back, and release them to create space for new opportunities and growth.

Pendulum dowsing course

What you will learn

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Frequently Asked Questions

What's included with all the sessions

  • Workbooks with exercises, tips and techniques
  • Recording of all sessions
  • Stunning audio-video tutorials showing energy magic
  • Sustained WhatsApp support
  • Access to exclusive community
  • Personalised attention
  • Lifelong learning

How often are these workshops held?

All three workshops will be held within a month. The first one would be the PEM Masteclass, followed by the Pendulum Dowsing, and finally, The Clutter Clinic. This is strategically organised so that you are able to understand your energy first, learn how to measure it, and with that knowledge, you learn about the energy outside you. ie. your home.

What happens if I am unable to attend one of the workshops

You can join the next batch. 

CanI reattend a session if I need a refresher?

Absolutely, even after attending a session, if you want to reattend it the next month, you can do so with a basic energy exchange. That's because we understand that energy can be studied through sustained study.

Can I choose to attend one of them and pay only for that?

If you've attended two workshops and wish to join the remaining one, we can accommodate you. However, no discounts apply. If you're new, the full package is required.


What if I wish to attend only one now?

You can get in touch with Sridhar on 8657437817, and place your request. Here, the discounted rate will not apply. You will need to pay the original energy exchange.


How does the moneyback guarantee work?

In all of Sridhar's workshops, he ensures that the energy exchange between his teaching and what the participant receives, is equal. To that extent, he facilitates a moneyback to the extent the participant has received. 



A few words of appreciation from those who have experienced the Starter Pack courses

Ishita Moitra
Ishita Moitra Filmfare award-winning scriptwriter

This workshop has truly been a gift that just keeps giving. I found it insightful, engaging, and easy to follow, Sridhar’s energy management techniques are a blessing in today’s post pandemic world. I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to understand energy.

Medha Gadgil
Medha Gadgil IAS (R), Government of Maharashtra

I attended the ‘clutter clinic’ and found it very useful in helping me prioritize the important aspects at work and at home. I got greater clarity in my thoughts and was able to separate the essential tasks and items from the non-essential ones. I also noticed a positive change in my efficiency.

Sarika Ravindran
Sarika Ravindran Journalist, Singer

If you're looking at a starter life program on how to reorient your thinking towards success, relationships or if you seek to elevate the quality of your thought to become a better, more self actualised, creative person, this program is for you to explore and experience.

Esha Mookerji Dutta
Esha Mookhejee-Dutta Writer, Artist

The decluttering workshop was deeply insightful, and a very enlightening and productive journey, as we understood the science behind the decluttering activity, before diving into the processes and the shift in perspective required to undertake such a project.

Shweta Shukla
Shweta Shukla Human Resources Business Partner, Mastercard

Personal Energy Management is a wonderful energy awareness and management workshop. The exercises and tools given during the course increase self-reflection and awareness and encourage participation to explore and experiment to learn about energy.

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